Sunday, August 23, 2015


The Roost was quiet and peaceful, the morning dew still dripping off the dewberry bushes that were scattered around the base of the large, imposing hills. Aine watched as the night patrol glided into the barracks, the dawn guard sweeping out from around the bend of stone.

Huge rock formations that piled and stacked together made up the Roost. The spiraling, branching stones sat like one large, proud tomcat in the hollow created from the surrounding hill country. Vast plains sprawled on all sides, curling un into jungle  Blue skies reached as far as his whirling eyes could see, and in the distance, the sea glittered quietly.
He turned his head slowly to regard the younglings that tumbled about on the nesting flats. The newest mothers crouched in the sun, their scales glowing in good health even though they were lean from birth.
Even over the sand slopes and the rocky cliffs, the raucous cries of sea birds could be heard as the sun rose.
It was early in the spring yet, and there were several queens that still had litters due in the coming weeks. There was plenty of time though, and there was plenty of food to go around. They lost an egg or two every season; not every egg in a clutch of five would have a hatchling, and sometimes a runt was born and they were sent quickly to the smaller prides that lived in the mountain range.
Of course the hatchling wasn’t killed, but they had long since learned that only the strongest could survive outside the protection of the mountains, with their solid walls and steep cliffs. An open mesa like the one Aine ruled was much more dangerous, what with the rocs on the southern coast and the griffins in the eastern jungles that raided when autumn came.
Even worse were the wyverns that had their own nests in the crags to the far north. They almost never came out, but when they did there were always deaths, and they hated drakes with a passion. Their wicked fangs dripped acid, and their sickly yellow scales were hard enough to armor them against flame.
A contest of claw and tooth was the only thing that would stop them, and only after most of the attackers were dead would they retreat, leaving the pride to lick their wounds. This year had been quiet so far, as had the winter leading up to it. The rocs were only trouble in summer, when their chicks were learning how to hunt, but the griffins had a different hatching season, and their young learned in the fall.
Every year it was the same; a few skirmishes here and there, one or two deaths if the pride was having a bad year. Usually the wounded were sent to stay in the mountains until they were well again, but sometimes there was no time and it was too late. It had been several years since the last death, and numbers were beginning to swell into the thirties. It wasn’t as if they were pressed for space, as the mesa they lived in and around had so many holes and caves it was a wonder it stood as firm as it did.
There were tunnels that ran from the lower caves into the ground, even, vast openings into open space and cracks that seemed to run down forever. Here was where they lived in the winter, sleeping away many days until the sun came back from the long darkness. The cold came with snapping fangs and reaching talons, scraping away the warmth
The pride’s roost wasn’t quite in the center of the valley, but it was close to it, clawing high into the skies and housing the largest number of drakes for days of travel. They had come here seeking food for the expanding numbers of the mountain prides, but had realised that expanding and separating would be better to support everyone. So the strongest young drakes came to live in the few mesas scattered around, and the elderly and smallest survived happily on the herd of mountain goats and deer that roamed the valleys.

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